The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – english
300,00 kr.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Patrick Lencioni, the creator of “The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™” is behind this riveting and instructive story about why collaboration in a team is still the most important competitive advantage a company has.
In the story, we follow Kathryn Petersen, who is newly appointed CEO of a large IT company in Silicon Valley – she is set on the mission of her life, as she must reverse the decline in the company.
Kathryn is quickly introduced to the management group, which consists of the biggest guns in the industry – however, she quickly finds out that the company’s problems are not rooted in a lack of talent, finance, strategy or technology, but in a dysfunctional management group. Her task will now be to step into the role of leader and get the group’s very different members to work together in a team.
In the course of the narrative, Lencioni uncovers the five most common collaboration defects:
- Absence of trust
- Conflict shyness
- Lack of commitment
- To avoid holding each other accountable
- Inattention to results
Introducing a simple and easy-to-understand model, Lencioni shows how to overcome these five dysfunctions and create the perfect team that is able to work together, ask each other for help, draw on each other’s skills, embrace mistakes and limitations, make qualified decisions and simply accomplish more in less time.
This tale is both humorous, but also extremely fascinating and useful for anyone interested in or working with teams.
The book can be purchased in English and Danish.