About DISCnordic
Making good employees even better
We offer training in market-leading HR solutions that will enable you to assess and understand the personality of your employees. What are their development potentials? And how do they use their skills best possible – not least in the teams they are part of?
Our ‘Best in Class’ solutions are applied, among other things, for management development, team collaboration, coaching, recruitment, sales training and personal development. They are validated and thoroughly tested, and applied for decades all over the world as a common framework of understanding for small and large organizations in all businesses. They pave the way to a highly efficient organization where well-being and performance always go hand in hand.
We don’t just train you to understand the theory behind the tools. We attach great importance to the fact that you can also use the tools in practice and bring them into play in your organization. To support you in this, we have developed a wide range of unique, practical facilitation materials – decks, dialogue cards, board games, carpets, etc. – which make working with the tools easy and inspiring.
At DISCnordic we know that training alone does not create a change. Change only comes afterwards, when you work with the materials and concepts in your own organization. That is why we are here to offer support, sparring and advice whenever you need it.
The Team

Camila Reland
Customer Support & Course Administration
I have extensive experience with administrative office work – as a Personal Assistant, Receptionist, and Coordinator. I have experience working with DiSC from a previous job with responsibility for recruitment, and team and personnel management.
I have an AP degree in management, and I am trained in the use of Everything DiSC®.
On a daily basis, I support our customers and manage all the practical aspects of our courses.
I prefer to be with competent colleagues in an environment with a high energy. I need to feel that what I contribute makes a difference and is meaningful.
I am challenged when I overthink things, for example if I make mistakes, and I don’t work particularly well under time pressure, when I can’t check that all the details are in place.

Tina Nystrup Andersen
Administration & Customer Manager
I have a past as Head of Administration and Project Coordinator in various businesses. I was originally trained as an Office Assistant and have since become Everything DiSC© certified and accredited in The Five Behaviors®.
On a daily basis, I deal with various customer-related tasks, data processing agreements, discount agreements and finances. In short, I have the administrative responsibility in our business. In addition, I manage the contact with our external partners.
I prefer to have challenging tasks and when things are going a bit fast. I thrive when I bring my creativity and sense of aesthetics into play.
I am challenged when my work tasks become too routine, or if I experience obvious injustice.

Michael Drejer
Teaching & Consulting
I have worked with DiSC tools since 2000 in Danish and international companies – both as a Manager and Consultant. I have a diploma in vocational education and a master’s in management and organizational psychology from Aalborg University.
Over the years, I have certified more than a thousand Consultants and HR people in, among other things, DiSC® and AdaptGRT. I have extensive experience with leadership development, diagnosing dysfunctional teams and implementing tailored solutions for our customers.
I prefer to be in a predictable environment where I feel safe and appreciated.
I am challenged when people are confrontational or pushy, especially when I don’t have a strong or secure relationship with them.

Thor Lundehøj
Online Marketing & SEO
Thor has extensive experience with online marketing, and has been part of DISCnordic since 2019.
In his role, he has been responsible for helping both new and existing customers find DISCnordic’s exciting products, on both paid and organic channels.
Thor has a PBA in International Sales and Marketing from Zealand’s Business Academy and is Everything DiSC© certified.

Jens Tandrup
Web, Photo, Video & Graphics
Jens has been DISCnordic’s creative sparring partner right from the start and has, among other things, been responsible for creating logo and visual identity. Jens has helped develop a large part of DISCnordic’s materials, games, posters, powerpoints, etc. and he is DISCnordic’s photographer, videographer and web designer.
Jens has a management background from both the Armed Forces and civilian workplaces and from there has in-depth knowledge of DiSC and other HR tools.