450,00 kr.
Item number
Category Games
DISC dialog played
DISCdialog can be used in many ways, and you can easily create your own exercises for the dialogue game. The set contains 80 cards with different words (20 words per DISC style).
DISCdialog contains 5 exercises, each of which focuses on different situations:
- The Trust Exercise: Used to build vulnerability-based trust in a team or group
- The appreciative feedback exercise: Helps focus on the value and importance of praise and recognition
- Rules of Engagement exercise: Used to build a set of rules for how we enter into conflict with each other
- The presentation exercise: This exercise can be used as an alternative presentation round
- The recruitment exercise: The exercise can help start the dialogue for a recruitment interview. It can also be used to assess the candidate’s level of self-awareness
Each exercise is described in detail with the situation, procedure and tips for the exercise.
The DISCdialog game is available in both Danish and English.