If you already hold a certification in a similar tool and want to use Wiley’s Everything DiSC® profiles in your work, this course applies to you.
Everything DiSC® – Conversion is a one-day course and immediately upon completing it, you are qualified to use the tool.
Target Group
Consultants, managers and others who work professionally with organizational development, HR, management, recruitment, change, sales etc. The course applies to those who need a simple, practical and validated personality assessment tool to support these activities.
Participating in this course requires a certification in a similar tool.
Price: DKK 8.000 ex VAT
Course time: 2-3 hrs pre-work and 3 hrs online
Location: Online –Microsoft Teams
*We also offer in-house courses with a minimum of 6 participants.
Access to DISCnordic’s Facilitation universe containing more films, PowerPoints and handouts (facilitation-materials) as well as subsequent support.
Everything DiSC® - Conversion - course process
3-4 weeks before the course, you will receive an email with tutorial films which you must watch before the course.
You will also receive a link to an Everything DiSC Workplace® profile. Once it is completed, it is sent to you with some exercises. You must read your report and complete the exercises, before the course starts.
You will learn the basic understanding of Wiley’s Everything DiSC® model. how the profiles are constructed and validated, and how the Everything DiSC Workplace® profile’s content and material can be employed in an organizational context.
You also get an introduction to the Sales®, Management® and Work of Leaders® profiles as well as The Five Behaviors® team model.
Included in the course fee is access to an EPIC account, an online management platform from which you send out links to profiles and generate reports for download. After the course we offer personal help setting it up. You are now qualified to use the profiles and the tools.
Finally, you get access to DISCnordic’s Facilitation universe containing more films, PowerPoints and handouts (facilitation-materials) as well as subsequent support. We also continuously offer free sparring and support, e.g. how to send links, give feedback, facilitate workshops or develop concepts.