Briefly about Everything DiSC®

Here is a short summary of the document, "About Everything DiSC®:Theory and Research," which describes the key aspects of a DiSC® profile:

What is DiSC®?

DiSC® is a personality assessment tool that measures individual preferences and tendencies across four styles:

  • Dominance,
  • influence,
  • Steadiness, and
  • Conscientiousness.

Each style represents a blend of two dimensions:

  • Vertical Dimension / Tempo axis and
  • Horizontal Dimension / Focus axis

The model is circumplex which illustrates that styles blend into one another; therefore, individuals are not just strictly one style but will have traits from neighboring styles.

There are different DiSC® profiles tailored to the user’s role (leader, manager, employee, or salesperson), providing a very useful and practical result.

DiSC® uses adaptive testing and advanced algorithms, which provides a more correct placement of the respondent’s DiSC® -dot.

DiSC® Theory and Dimensions:

The model is two-dimensional:

  • Vertical Dimension/ Tempo axis (Careful-Bold): Ranges from active and bold to careful and thoughtful.
  • Horizontal Dimension / Focus axis (Questioning-Accepting): Ranges from questioning and challenging to accepting and agreeable.

The Four DiSC® Styles:

  • D (Dominance): Active and questioning; direct, forceful, outspoken.
  • i (Influence): Active and accepting; outgoing, enthusiastic, lively.
  • S (Steadiness): Thoughtful and accepting; gentle, accommodating, patient.
  • C (Conscientiousness): Thoughtful and questioning; analytical, reserved, precise.

The “Stretch” Concept:

Everyone has a “home base” or comfort zone within their DiSC®-style.
“Stretch” refers to the extent an individual can adapt to other styles depending on their position in the circle. Those closer to the center typically have more flexibility.

Research and Validation:

The document emphasizes the reliability and validity of the DiSC® assessment.

Reliability is established through test-retest reliability and internal consistency (alpha). Both showed high values, demonstrating consistent and dependable measurement.

Validity is supported by examining correlations between adjacent and opposite scales, aligning with the theoretical model.

In short, the document presents Everything DiSC® as a reliable and valid assessment tool grounded in research, providing insightful information on individual preferences and how those preferences interact in various workplace contexts.

Read more in the document “About Everything DiSC®: Theory and Research”:  (opens as pdf in a new window – available in English only)

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Lav ængstelighed

  1. Rolige, sammensatte og tilfredse med deres liv
  2. Let ved at klare de daglige udfordringer
  3. Lader sig ikke påvirke unødigt
  4. Kan virke uinteresserede

Høj ængstelighed

  1. Kan bekymre sig for fremtiden
  2. Kan være utilfredse med deres tidligere præstationer
  3. Sætter spørgsmålstegn ved andre
  4. Tilbøjelige til at blive stressede her og nu

Kolonne 5


Lav selvkontrol

  1. Betragter dem selv som frie for sociale regler og rammer
  2. Kan mangle selvdisciplin til at få kedelige opgaver færdiggjort
  3. Tolerante og åbne i deres holdninger
  4. Tror på, at man skal leve fuldt ud, mens man gør det

Høj selvkontrol

  1. Tilbøjelige til at overholde sociale forventninger
  2. Kan være bundet af egne, høje moralske standarder
  3. Stærk struktureret adfærd
  4. Har en stærk fornemmelse af rigtigt og forkert

Kolonne 4



  1. Ofte bedre til at implementere ideer end at generere dem
  2. Tilbøjelige til at afvise abstrakte løsninger
  3. Følelser spiller ikke en stor rolle i deres liv
  4. Ofte praktiske, realistiske og konservative i deres holdninger


  1. Lever ofte i ideernes verden
  2. Trives med frihed til at løse problemer på nye og innovative måder
  3. Interesserer sig for det kunstneriske udtryk
  4. De har sandsynligvis en udviklet sans for æstetik

Kolonne 3



  1. Er ofte agenter for handling og forandring
  2. Konfronterer let status quo, udfordrer og er kompromisløse
  3. Tager sjældent nej for gode varer
  4. Efterlever helst deres egne værdier


  1. Bekymrer sig mere om andres behov end om at udføre en opgave mest effektivt
  2. Påvirket af bekymringer om, hvad andre synes
  3. Det er nemt for dem at have empati for andre
  4. Kan ikke lide at kritisere eller disciplinere andre

Kolonne 2



  1. Kan trække sig fra den sociale arena
  2. Har ikke så stort behov for at udveksle synspunkter med andre
  3. Føler sig ikke tilpas i sociale situationer
  4. Trives i eget selskab


  1. Trives bedst, når de er sammen med andre
  2. Kan miste energien når der er for lidt social aktivitet
  3. Indgår helst i sociale sammenhænge
  4. De har det godt med at initiere og udvikle personlige relationer

Kolonne 1

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