Everything DiSC®

Understand what drives others to achieve results

Every day Everything DiSC® contributes to making managers and employees more effective in communication contexts.  It is used by HR professionals, managers, trainers and consultants worldwide.

What is Everything DiSC®?
DiSC is one of the world’s most used and recognized personality assessment tools for describing behaviour, preferences, strengths and potentials.
It is used in both large and small organizations for targeted work with recruitment, management, development, sales, negotiation, collaboration, team development and
communication. In short, everything that concerns professional, human relations.

What  are the benefits of working with Everything DiSC®?
The advantage of using Everything DiSC® as an organization development tool is that it is simple, intuitive, and easy to implement, regardless of the size and complexity of the organization. Without putting people in boxes, The DiSC model offers a framework of understanding that gives both managers and employees the opportunity to coordinate diverse needs for communication, motivation, collaboration and management with simple steps. By implementing Everything DiSC® you build a common understanding and language about your behaviors. In addition to improving your employees’ self-awareness, you build a solid foundation for targeted developing the entire organization.

Employing Everything DiSC®

Employ Everything DiSC® for all kinds of professional relationships. Understand your own and others’ behaviour, become aware of differences and similarities and use this knowledge to improve the communication between you.

These are some of the most obvious examples:

Sales and communication training

Know your sales style and understand your customers’ needs and purchase motives. What are your strengths and challenges, and how do you adapt your style to tyour customer’s DiSC-style?


Know your management style and learn how to situation adapt to the needs of your employees. What mangement skills does your DiSC profile support, and which management tasks do you find  most difficult to do?

Relationships and cooperation

Everything DiSC® is created to improve collaboration. The structure of the tool is intuitive and makes it is easy and effective to use. What is your special and valuable contribution to the organization based on your DiSC profile? What are your pitfalls and blind spots and where do you need support or development?


Everything DiSC® targets your recruitment work by focusing on the candidate’s behavioral traits. How do different profiles manage different tasks, collaborate with others and contribute to the organization’s development?


Everything DiSC® provides techniques to improve employees’ self-awareness about their conflict behaviour. Rather than focusing on resolving conflicts with a step-by-step process, the purpose of Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict is to uncover personal reaction patterns in conflict situations.

Applying Everything DiSC®

To use Everything DiSC® it is required that you are trained in the use of Everything DiSC®. When you do your training at DISCnordic an EPIC account is included, which is the platform from where you send links to respondents and generate reports for download. Subsequent sparring and support is included.

There are different profiles and they come in different languages. Contact us to hear more.

You can choose from these 5 Everything DiSC® profiles – each report comes with a Supplement for Facilitators report.

Workplace profile

Management profile

Sales profile

Productive Conflict profile

Work of Leaders profile

Supplement for Facilitators report (for every profile)

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