Free The Five Behaviors® materials

0,00 kr.


When you order this package, you get a file with the following folders:

Five Behaviors Demo Reports:

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team demo reports allow you to see examples of the different reports and will give you an insight into how each report is unique and can be used in different ways. The folder contains:

  • Individual report on Kathryn Peterson
  • Explanatory Team Report
  • Status report on Kathryn Peterson
  • Explanatory Status Report
  • Comparison reports between Kathryn and Martin

Five Behaviors Teaching Materials:

If you have to teach or facilitate a team in The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, you can use our folder with teaching materials with a clear conscience. The folder contains:

  • DISCnordic’s PowerPoint from the Get Started course
  • DISCnordic’s Five Behaviors exercise catalogue
  • Document with “Good to know”
  • Supplementary materials

ATTENTION due to the size of the file, it will be sent via WeTransfer to the desired email. The email will contain a link to download the folder.

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